About Kengy Ng

Who am i?
A simple guy who's madly in love with photography, that's me. From capturing precious moments in portraits and events that are crafting the pieces of the journey of my life. 
The interest for photography has grown ever fonder. My passion for photography leads me to the adventurous beginning of my photography career since year 2006.

What i do?

Photography for:
• Contemporary Pre-wedding
• Actual Wedding Day
• Actual Wedding Reception Dinner

• Events
• Commercial

What i prefer in my business?

Being able to take part in the most precious in someone else's life. I like to capture the moments of people's expression. Especially their sweet lovely smile and the joy of laughter face. Make their picture looks great and precious to keep it in lifetime.

Contact me?

• Inquiry: kengyngphotography@gmail.com
• Contact / Whatapps / WeChat: +6017 422 9211

I'll look forward to meet up with you guys.

Thank You & Good Day~☺

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